The Blight of Mesleth

An electrical hum filled the air as a darkly dressed man stepped into the room from behind the  Mesleth Monolith. It was hard to see in the cavernous monument, but this played an important part in the mission at hand. The dark room and dark lighting was perfect at concealing him as he went about his task. The entire structure was erected around where the Lord of Mesleth had fallen to his foes. It’s said that his curse started from this very spot and spread out scorching the land. He didn’t know much about curses or magic. These things didn’t exist where he came from. What he does know is how to get in and out of a place and not be seen.

Scattered around him were about half-a-dozen robed men all kneeling and bowing and chanting. He supposed that this must be a place of worship or something. Didn’t matter. What mattered was that this was the specific spot where he needed to set up shop. The dark man pulled an odd looking stone from on of his many pockets. He set it a top of the central sarcophagus. With a twist and a slight whine, four points of light shot out from the odd stone. Luckily for him the whine was drowned out by the humming by the robed monks. He pulled four more odd looking stones and swiftly moved to the closest point of light on the nearest wall.

The man walked to each point placing one of the stones so that the light centered on each. As he did the stones would light up and would start to pulse and chirp along with the one in the center. By the fourth and final placement one of the nearby hooded men took notice and rose, pulling his hood from his head. “You there. What are you doing? You’re not allowed…”  The dark man raised a finger to his lips with one hand and with the other lightning shot out and hit the hooded man. “Shhh.” The hooded man’s body tightened and convulsed slightly and fell to the floor all body and limbs. The dark man didn’t like unnecessary violence. The hooded man would wake up eventually, but he’ll have one hell of a headache.

Satisfied that he had set everything up as needed, the dark man quickly returned to the center stone, touched it in a peculiar way and patted his hands together to dust them off. “Right.” He said with a sigh and headed back towards the rear of the monolith. He paused for a moment, adjusted something at his wrist and placed a oddly designed dark visor across his eyes. He took one more deep breath and stepped behind the giant stone. A wave of sound and light and pain engulfed him for just a split second and then everything was still. “Jesus, it’s bright.” There was shouting and someone came running up to the man. “Mike. Mike you a’right, man?” He reached up and took the other man’s hand, helping him to his feet. “Lost my glasses in the jump.” Michael replied.

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