Sunday, September 21, 2014

Damn you kidneys! Damn you!

My goal to come back and start recording my progress in writing was temporarily hampered by the unfortunate events of kidney stones and the related surgery for treatment. I'm still not 100% but I'm back to the grind and forcing myself back to work on the Blight of Mesleth. I know that I've only just started on this book and those of you who have followed me over the years know that Crash really should be my priority as it's the most complete, not to mention the oldest of the series. You'll just have to trust me on this. BoM will be what helps me complete the series.

It's hard to get back into things though, because my creative juices flow most mighty during the day and while at my day job. I've written plenty there in the past, but I've been recently reminded that anything I create on the clock can in turn be taken from me by my employer as they can claim rights. So although it's hampered my progress, this course of action is doing more in protecting my work and removing any threat to preventing release or long, costly, legal battles.

So to point myself back towards the book, I've had a thought today. I'm currently playing with the idea of a "hearer/whisperer" character. To what extent? I'm not sure. I'd share the details of my thought on the character, but I'm not sure if this would end up being a spoiler yet, so sorry folks. Beyond that, I've been completely devouring Jim Butcher's Codex Alera. I love how he writes and I'm eagerly waiting the next year for the new Dresden Files book. I just know I'm going to finish the Codex series before then and I'm quickly needing something else to fill the gap.

I hope that I'm close to as good as Jim Butcher or Simon R.Green. Their fiction is so human and perfectly twisted into the real that it's easy for me to be place right among the characters and events. Tangent over...I hope one day either of them read my work and feel the same way. in the meantime, I am helping my daughter learn to read. She's so smart and picking up the craft so quickly! Makes me proud, but daddy can only read Jack and Jane so many times. Ugh.

Till next time my lovelies.


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